Gypsy, from our Homesteading Blog has some wonderful herbal tea recipes here for natural remedies that can be made at home. The teas here are made using 6 tablespoons of fresh herbs or 2 tablespoons of dried herbs to 2 cups of water.
Because herbs are medicines and dosage along with diagnoses is not for me to suggest, nor for anyone to prescribe over the Internet, I have chosen to give you a few nice examples of herbal tea recipes that are safe, and over all beneficial to anyone who uses them.
Over the season I will suggest you harvest certain plants and keep them for teas or other uses. I will also spotlight some wonderful plants as the growing season for them arrives.
The proper way to make herbal teas is not to boil the water. Placing any tea into water that hot, kills not only the principles of the tea, but the flavor as well. Bring your water to just below boiling and use either a French press, or even a clean pair of pantyhose. Place the contents into your tea pot and allow to seep for no less then 10 minutes. If you need to re-warm it later, that's fine, but remember, never ever boil the water or your tea.
Avoid all strong herbal teas during pregnancy, do not give peppermint, or sage tea to children under 4yrs old. Do not take licorice if you have high blood pressure. Do not take vervian if you have liver disease. Do not exceed recommended quantities for ingredients or frequency of drinking.
Plants like willow bark, that have been used in the common aspirin for many years, can make your stomach bleed if taken in too large a dose or for extended periods of time. Just like what we call "safe drugs" can be unsafe with misuse.
Harvest your herbs in the morning with the dew still on them or with the sun just starting to shine on them. Use sharp scissors or a knife so not to damage the plant. Hold and hang upside down. The better quality the plant and the better you treat it, the better it will serve you.
I have been known to heat my herbal tea in a pan on the stove and let it seep until it is strong to drink. I use my leftover tea in cheese making. Before you add the rennet try pouring in your old (that day's) tea. It gives some wonderful flavors to spreadable cheeses.
Everyone knows that chamomile tea is a great night time tea. I personally prefer peppermint at night and use Chamomile for digestion troubles and tummy aches.
Peppermint is also wonderful for your tummy, especially after a large meal, or at night when you had one too many late night snacks before bed.
Dill has been used for centuries to sooth colic in babies, if you prefer the flavor to peppermint or have a child in the house that wants tea, dill is a great alternative.
Most old-fashioned farmers grow marigolds around their gardens to keep the insects out, they also allow the plants to lay waste in the fall. Pick some of those Marigold heads (use petals only) and mix with some Verbena for a lemony, peppery blood tonic and to ease digestion .
Most of us know that rose hips have more vitamin C then oranges, yet we don't grow roses that produce abundant hips, and when we do we rarely use them. They make an awesome tea and jelly. Herbal tea recipes using raspberry leaves is excellent for woman that have monthly cramps or are about to give birth. Rose hip tea is great for colds and eases coughs. For added vitamin C and flavor add the Hibiscus.
Other plants that are great for colds and coughs are Purple sage, Elderflower (also calming), Horehound Thyme, and Hyssop.
A Tip for Herbal Tea Recipes: Always save your unsprayed citrus rinds for added vitamin C and flavor.
Teas to wipe away that winter depression. We all know about St. John's Wort, however it needs to be taken from fall to spring and takes up to 2 weeks to get into your system well and start working. It's nice, but nothing that will bring instant added relief in a tea.
Instead go for the lemon balm. Keep some on your window sill as its therapeutic properties are lost when dried.
Rosemary makes a nice tasting tea that clears the mind, and erases depression improves circulation and relieves head aches, as well as helps with respiratory problems. Oats are also a nice additive to a tea and very cleansing.
If you want a daily herbal tea for winter blues, try rosemary and St. Johns Wort, but remember, you need to drink a cup every day for best results.
We all seem to over indulge in the winter holidays and gatherings. Here is a hangover herbal tea you will love the morning after.
Vervain, lavender flower, and a bit of honey will get your liver detoxifying in no time. Remember to also drink lots of water to help your liver get rid of all those toxins from the night before.
Well, I hope you have enjoyed reading about these herbal tea recipes for natural homemade remedies. This is just the first in the many pages that will be written on herbs. And, I also want to tell you a true story about my son and herbal teas and herbal tea recipes.
Most white people think, because I was born Native, that I just know things. That's so not true. The story I'm about to tell you isn't how most non Indians, think real Indians get the calling to become healers.
I was a young mother, and my youngest son was about four years old. We had a blizzard just about like the ones that will hit 4 parts of the US in the next few days. He had a fever of 106 when I called for an ambulance.
I was from the south and didn't know how to drive in this Iowa snow. The woman on the other end of the phone told me that the ambulance could not drive in the snow either. I was on my own. She instructed me to put my son in a bath of cold water, I did, and he went limp. He was totally unconscious.
The woman knew that I needed help but all she could do was talk to me. When I was at my most helpless moment and I knew that the person on the other end of the phone couldn't do any more than she was doing. My son, lay in a tub dying... something flipped in my brain.
I remembered a book I had just bought but hadn't had time to read. It was about 1800's herbal medicine. 1800's worked for me as they didn't have an ambulance either.
I got the book and looked in the back under fever. Then turned to the pages on sheep, fever. I saw something I had heard time and time again...the old song... Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, the song of Scarborough Fair.
That was it! It was that simple!!! I mixed from my spice cabinet the herbs, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme and I infused it into a herbal tea, then took my goat drench and drenched my son laying lifeless in the bath tub.
I knew how to miss the lungs, I knew how to do this and I knew if I missed he would die anyway. So, no harm done. I CAN do this! I was convincing myself as I took the tiny tube of the drench and pushed the fluid from the syringe into my son's lifeless body. His eyes were rolled back in his head, his lips were purple, and there was no response.
Then, suddenly like a dream he woke up. I had one of the new, for the time electronic thermometers, and I punched the button every time it registered. I watched it go from 108, 106, 104, then 101 and I drained the tub and wrapped my son in warm towels. His eyes were open, he was conscious. We were all surprised at his exam the next day he suffered no brain damage.
Later on I had a mare that on new years also went into to a fever pitch with no vet around. You can bet I sang my favorite song, Parsley Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. They once were a true love of mine.
By Gypsy, our resident homestead blogger from One Sky Ranch
Homestead Blog
Herbs, the Natural Alternative!
We also have some other pages besides the herbal tea recipes your may be interested in. Medicinal Herbs is a brief overview of some of the 4 major herbs used for medicinal purposes.
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2 cups water
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