Farmer Wanna Be!!!

Farmer Wanna Be!!!

by Cathleen
(New Hampshire)


I love your site. I am a real bunny lover. I have mostly Angoras. We have one Mini Rex and one Flemish Giant/New Zealand.

I love the idea of housing the rabbits and chickens together. I also like the idea of having two does together and have them bred on the same day. How often have you done this with success?

I had two sisters together. They were not too friendly and seemed to grunt a lot. Sometimes it seemed like one was sort of aggressive toward the other one. I decided to separate them. They both seem happier and nicer now.

I do have two females together right now. They are mother and daughter. The daughter was born in October. They really seem to love each other. They are always grooming each other.

I would love to have a more open space for them. Do you worry about predators?

Great Site!!!

Cathleen Dennison


Hi Cathleen,

Gypsy, our resident homestead blogger raises the rabbits. Hopefully she will let you know shortly the answers to your questions.

Glad you like the site and hope you will visit us often.

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