How about roaches and flies?

How about roaches and flies?

by Jettran Erikson
(Las Vegas, Nv, USA)

Where I live, here in Las Vegas, Nevada, each fall and winter, these and other critters seek warmth and sometimes invade your home overnight if your not careful. I, being of a naturalist of sorts, avoid the use of chemicals at all costs and it isn't easy finding organic pest control companies anywhere.

Since I have many animals I care for its even more vital I keep those things from introducing themselves into their bodies.
So if you have any idea that may help, it would be a wonderful relief.

Thank you and Sincerely,
J. Erikson

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Jun 15, 2011
Fly Paper
by: Anonymous

I live in Houston and and always find 4/paks of flypaper at local Dollar Stores.

Nov 19, 2010
Organic Pesticides for Getting Rid of Cockroaches and Flies
by: Countryfarm Lifestyles

Here are some organic pesticides and natural ways to:

Get rid of cockroaches:

This is not strictly organic, but it does work. Mix 4 parts borax, 2 parts plain flour and 1 part cocoa powder.Put in jam jar lids and place in cupboards, or where you have found cockroaches. This mixture needs replacing once a year. Borax is poisonous and should be kept out of reach of children and pets.

Another more organic pesticide is take take cucumber peelings and place in cupboards. Replace as they dry out.

To get rid of flies:

Spray doors, window frames and any kitchen ceramic surfaces with white vinegar.

Grow the following herbs near the front and kitchen door: fennel, tansy, mint, rue, basil or any of the pyrethrum family.

Finally make your own fly strips. Not very elegant, but very effective. I remember them hanging up in places all over when I was a kid, but you can't seem to buy them any more. So here are instructions for your own homemade fly strips:

Take strong brown paper and soak in an alum solution, then dry. Alum powder can be found in the spice section of some supermarkets, although you may be able to buy it at a drug store. Boil some linseed oil and resin together. Add honey or syrup. Apply to the paper and hang up.

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