Question about Cooking Mash for Shine

Question about Cooking Mash for Shine

by wyatt

When you cook your mash in a pressure cooker do you cook it until all the liquid is out of the pressure cooker and does anyone have a recipe for a smaller batch?

You will know when you are done when the shine stops coming out of the tube.

And don't try and make your own pressure cooker. You need to have a proper pressure cooker and then make the modifications as directed.

I don't have a recipe for a smaller batch of shine, however, we have lots of people who view this page, so perhaps they might be kind enough to drop by and send one in.

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Feb 10, 2014
You killed the yeast
by: Anonymous

It sounds like you killed the yeast when you put it in, if it's too hot you will kill it.

Dec 11, 2013
My first run of moonshine
by: Dana

I made a 5 gallon batch, used 18 lbs sugar, yeast and water. I then fermented it for 5 days. During the distillation process it did not start to produce until 207F. When it stopped running I only had 1 pint of 120 proof likker.

I still had 3 1\2-4 gal of liquid left in the pot. Is that all I should expect from a 5 gallon run?

Should there be that much left in the pot when finished?

Jan 10, 2013
Need help with moonshine making
by: Anonymous

Someone please help with my moonshine making.

I have 5 gal of mash fermenting. It's in a food grade bucket I drilled a hole on top of lid and put a rubber stopper with airlock through it.

My question is this, the mash has been fermenting for 10 days so far and there are still bubbles coming through the air lock. Do I pop the lid and start brewing, or do I wait until the bubbles stop?

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