"Time Out"

"Time Out"

by Elize Buchanan
(Gauteng, South Africa)

This is what is needed in the world today; this is the day that the Lord has made, I shall rejoice and be glad in it.

The Country Farm and Lifestyle is such a joy to read. To be able to share the thoughts and contributions of people, people who just seem to long to get back to basics. To get out of the modern day rat race.

Nothing wrong with progress, internet is first on my list, hence we are able to communicate directly, be advised of the latest happenings in the world, whether good or bad!

Unfortunately, those choices will always be with us, so we can decide whether to choose or decline.

If it had not been for electronic communication, how would we have known about the terrible disaster that hit Japan. A Nation who is so dedicated to self-control and culture, so proud. It was horrific to see the agricultural land destroyed!

We complain bitterly when a hail storm hits the city and our gardens are shredded from the hail, how do these people "feel"?

The response from countries around the world to come to the aid of Japan was so wonderful. It seems to me, no matter what our differences may be, at the end of the day, we still care for one another.

May there always be people in the world who care for one another, that is what makes the world go around. When I start reading the contents of the web site, I become so involved with all the happenings that I do forget about the troubles of the world outside, problems not created by the people, but from the powers that be.

Thank you for creating this site, I am sure it will become timeless, thanks to people who will always make a meaningful contribution. May many more find this site informative and interesting. Go well.

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