Feeding Chickens Potato Plants?

Feeding Chickens Potato Plants?

by Wavely

Can you feed potato plants to your chickens once you harvest since they are a member of the nightshade family?

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May 10, 2010
Can you Feed Chickens Potato Plants?
by: Countryfarm Lifestyles

You ask if you can feed chickens potato plants. I only feed my chickens food that I would eat myself. I certainly wouldn't eat any part of the potato plant for the same reason as you mentioned in your posting; it is part of the deadly nightshade family, and as such, you wouldn't feed your chickens any part of the tomato or eggplant plant either.

Some people feed their chickens potato peelings, some are even wary of that. In small amounts it is fine, but they prefer eating mashed potato to the peelings. But then I would too!

You can also feed chickens ripe, not green tomatoes. But certain foods to avoid are stone fruit pips, apple seeds, and raw beans, especially kidney beans and avocado pears.

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