Finding the right 5 acres is HARD!

Finding the right 5 acres is HARD!

by Catherine Lyon
(May, TX)

Myself and Humphrey the cow dog.

Myself and Humphrey the cow dog.

After much research (and input), I was able to see a friend's 5 acre pasture and boy it is bigger than I thought. So now I have found out the 5 acres is more than enough for a homestead and for me.

Now that I have that answered, I have been trying to find the RIGHT 5 acres for me. Can you say HARD?!? Either it is all trees and rocky hills (I am searching around Brown County to stay around friends, family, and church), all rocks and barren, partial trees and pasture, but the pasture has been overrun with mesquite and cactus, or it is all pasture with no trees for shade or protection and still lots of cactus.

And this may sound silly, but it has to look just right (although I do not have a picture of what "just right" is), and I have to be able to picture my house, barns, and gardens there.

So I am still looking. Humphrey and I are out looking and walking the different properties for sale (I am sure that we are driving the realtors crazy), and trying to find that property that is "just right!"

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Oct 16, 2010
Finding the right land for homesteading
by: Countryfarm Lifestyles

Dear Catherine

Finding the right land for homesteading is hard. And the best thing about what you are doing right now is making sure that you have what you want, rather than rushing into an impulsive buy and then regretting it afterwards. It took us 8 years to find the right land for homesteading! I hope it doesn't take you that long!

Remember, that you need to look for land that will sustain the type of homesteading you want to go in for, the most important advice I can give you is this; make sure that you have your own water.

Water is become more scarce as a resource, and homesteading using municipal or town water will kill you financially.

If you do find that perfect piece of land land without water ask neighbors if they have a good source of underground water. You will then have to sink a borehole. But this is expensive and the last resort. Ideally is should be on a river with pumping rights or have its own borehole or well with a good supply of water all year round.

Let's hope through this posting someone might know someone, who knows someone... You know of course that is how most purchases are done.

Don't just limit your search to the realty agents. Ask around in restaurants and coffee shops, newsagents and hairdressers. Put the word out for what you are looking for.

Also the Internet is a great resource and that was where I saw my homesteading land. Of course we went to see if physically as we wouldn't dream of purchasing homesteading land unseen. But certainly the Internet gives you a wider option.

Good luck with your search and let us know how you got on.

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