how do you hatch eggs without an incubator?

how do you hatch eggs without an incubator?

by jack

I would like to know how to raise chicken eggs without an incubator.

I have four chicken eggs but I don't have an incubator. I just have a box with paper and tissue in with a lamp and a towel over am I doing it wrong?

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Oct 15, 2015
How do you hatch chicks with no incubator
by: 😛Rosalie😛

I wanted to know how to hatch chicks with no incubator I have fertilized eggs but no broody chicken 😋 please help me !

Unless you have a broody duck or similar poultry you cannot hatch eggs without an incubator.

Apr 23, 2011
Build your own Incubator for Chickens
by: Countryfarm Lifestyles

From what you have told me you will not be successful in hatching eggs like that. You need to build your own incubator for chickens so that you are able to stablize the temperature as well as form moisture in the air that will prevent the chicken from sticking to the shell as it grows.

Stabilizing the temperature is important as this will mimic the body heat of your mother hen which should be at a temperature of 37°C (99°F).

You will also need to turn the eggs over manually about 2-3 times every day, as a mother hen does on a daily basis.Do this for the first 18 days out of the 21 incubation period and then leave them unturned for the last 3 days. You can mark the eggs with a pencil on one side with an X to denote to yourself that you have turned them over correctly.

Finally, creating a moist but not wet environment is very important. If there is no moisture in the air, your chickens will stick to the inside of the egg shell and die. In commercial incubators built for chickens a dish is provided which you are expected to fill with water and keep constantly full.

Here is an excellent link to making your own incubator:

If you want to take the guessing out of incubating eggs, either get a surrogate hen to do the job for you, or buy an incubator like the ones below.

Good luck!

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