how soon can you see the calf move arround in cows stomach

how soon can you see the calf move arround in cows stomach

by debbie lambert
(grand bay alabama)

we have been looking at our cows stomach to see if we can see the calf moving around, but we don't know how it is supposed to look or how far along they have to be before we can see this. Can you help us?

Thanks Debbie, from Grand Bay, Alabama.

Debbie, not sure how far pregnant your cow is, but usually, you will not be able to see any calf movement until 6 months has passed. However, even at this stage it is hard to detect. If you know what you are looking for fine, but really difficult to tell at this stage.

And although calf fetal movement is better at 7 months, but it is really only at 8 months that you can really see the calf moving around in the womb.

Good luck with your calving.

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Oct 24, 2014
when to see calf movements within
by: Anonymous

We observed this in our lovely Jersey at 5 months and wonder if she is having twins. We will certainly have a vet come check her late December.


Good Luck! Keep us posted!

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