never lost a chick to Coccidiosis

never lost a chick to Coccidiosis

by MakaraPhotos
(southwest Missouri, USA)

This is my cool spot---no

This is my cool spot---no

I have never lost a chicken to coccidiosis

The use of chemicals or medication is a last resort for me when treating my chickens.

I've never used the coccidiosis meds. Instead I've used ionic Silver for any bacterial or fungus infestation/condition for all my animals, poultry, and our family--ingested, or applied it works great.


Many thanks for your entry and for your lovely photo!

For those our readers who are not familiar with this form of treatment for your chickens, and the rest of the animals, four legged and otherwise, would you please write again and let us know how you apply it and in what quantities.

In that way we will be able to help others out there to be more informed of alternative methods of treating coccidiosis.

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Oct 14, 2014
Using Ionic Silver in Chicken water
by: MakaraPhotos

From my own personal experience over the years the ionic silver has worked. The silver I used and still use is from

I can't speak from experience or success with other silvers since I understand there can be differences in their values and effectiveness.

I added 1 Tablespoon of "regular" strength WaterOz silver to a gallon of water--mix accordingly to your waterer--if it's 2 gallon or 5 gallon size then do the math for your size.

If you choose to use WaterOz Extra strength, then use 1/4 as much since it is 4X stronger than the regular strength.

I switched to the 4X strength because it's more economical.

I also did not use metal waterers when using the ionic silver. Maybe stainless steel waterers would be better to use with the silver than those galvanized one. If you want or have metal waterers, I suggest you ask the people at WaterOz about putting silver in metal containers -- I suspect they may suggest using plastic containers.

I felt the silver was a safe way to keep my chickens healthy without using chemicals, so I added the silver every time I needed to refill their waterer.

Our chickens were totally free-range--eating off the ground with other livestock.

I've used it for all my animals and our family as well for many issues--used it with success for my family drinking in water, drops in our eyes, or even sniffing up my nose for sinus problems.

I really have used it for years with success and trust it as a major immune booster or when a problem developed.

Good luck and I hope this helps you.

Oct 07, 2014
by: Anonymous

So you are saying 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water? Correct?


Aug 15, 2012
Just lost a 10 week guinea
by: Kelly

Hi, I think I just lost a 10 week guinea hen to coccidiosis. We had 5 guinea's for 4 years until a hawk killed them this spring. So we are on our second set of keets. They seemed fine until about a few days ago one started acting lifeless. I'd like to try your approach. Do I just put the 1 tablespoon in a gallon of water every day? Is this used always or for a certain amount of time?
Thanks for your help.

Jun 14, 2012
more info on the silver for chickens
by: MakaraPhotos*

I thought after posting that I should have stated that the dosage is 1 Tbl of WaterOz ionic silver to 1 gal of water.

I have used ionic silver for years on our annual fryer chicks.

I was using their original "regular strength" silver. I now have ordered some of their new 4X strength since it is more economical and as a result I will lessen the amount accordingly.

Jun 13, 2012
Using Ionic Silver for Animals, Poultry and Family
by: MakaraPhotos*

I am replying as requested on how I use ionic silver for our animals, poultry and family.

I've used colloidal silver for over 25 years and the last 15 years changed to ionic since it does not build up in the body.

I am CAREFUL where I get my silver to avoid forms that could build up--unlike the ionic. I've used the ionic silver from WATER OZ and their other liquid minerals for over 15 years with success for our family and our livestock.

I used it in eyes {granddaughter's pinkeye and my allergy eyes -great for pinkeye in cattle too}, in ears for people and animals, and dredge for suspected bacterial or fungal conditions.

I've used 1 Tbl of Water Oz ionic silver to 1 Gal water for baby chicks for years.

I've also used it for baby puppies, kittens and other babies as a trusted preventative.

I personally feel the ionic silver is the safest and easiest way to fight pathogens. Check it out at - they are super helpful people.

Well many thanks indeed, for your very detailed reply on using ionic silver for chickens and the other animals.

I am sure that readers will find this newly posted information most valuable.

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