a home remedy for joint pains

a home remedy for joint pains

by angelina

Hi i liked your post as i had been constantly looking some herbal home remedies but could not find any. My husband is suffering from acute joint pains so can these herbal teas prove fruitful in helping him out with the problem?

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Feb 12, 2011
Home Remedies for Joint Pains
by: Countryfarm Lifestyles

In 2006 I missed the top stairs of a flight of 4 and went sailing over the top and hurt my knee and hip very badly when I came crashing down. We were on holiday in Greece at the time, and so I made do with rest and not much else.

About a year later I had terrible pain in my hip. I started taking rosehip tea for my sore joints. Because you can't get rosehips all year round, I also turned to the commercial tea variety. Not as good as the real thing, but a daily cup or two of rosehip tea has brought relief.

I know it definitely works, because when I run out of tea, the pain comes back, but when I resume the tea it goes away.

Wishing you a pain-free day.


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