Goat's Milk Butter

Goat's Milk Butter

by Karen

You spoke of using a high fat content milk to make butter.

Can you use goat's milk to make butter? Nubian goat's milk has a high fat content.

Goat's milk, no matter what breed of goats you keep, is naturally homogenized, unlike cow's milk where the milk and the cream separate out quite easily.

Goat's milk doesn't separate out easily which means that if you want to make goat's milk butter you have to wait for the cream to rise to the top of your container so that you can scoop it off to make your butter.

You couldn't wait a week or so before there is enough cream separated out before you can make butter. You may think that by this time the milk goes off and sours, but it doesn't and is still good to drink. If you only have a few goats you may have to save several milkings so that you have enough cream for your butter.

You can then make your goat's milk butter in the same way as you would make cow's milk butter.


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